Dr. Sara Trevelyan

Counselling and Psychotherapy, Barbara Brennan Energy Healing, Spiritual Counselling

sara trevelyan


Email: morningstar.sara@gmail.com


Tel: 07779099164

Fuaim Na Mara, Fyrish Road, Findhorn, Moray IV36 3YT


The journey of healing involves discovering the path which leads home to our true Selves. Blockages in our energy field happen through life experiences, difficulties in relationships, losses we experience and through trauma. Accessing our emotions helps us to recover a healthy sense of ourselves. Healing is a deeply personal journey but we can be supported at every level so that our true potential can be revealed, releasing new places of vitality, so that we can shine, as we open our hearts to all of life, and to living ever more fully and deeply.

Presenting issues are explored meeting in person, seated face to face. I love to include deeper body work on the table if people are comfortable with this. Clients remain fully clothed, touch happens both on (with consent) and off the body over the energy centres, to clear, balance and charge the field. In my experience this facilitates emotional release and deep relaxation which restores the energy body and allows for a fully embodied sense of wellbeing, and clearer sense of alignment in life.


Daytimes, Mon – Fri 10.00 – 5.00 pm


  • Person Centre Counselling and Psychotherapy (PCT Britain 1991-1994)
  • Barbara Brennan Energy Healing (European School) 2007 -2011
  • One Spirit Interfaith Foundation – Ordination 2018


I have worked since the early 90s as a counsellor and psychotherapist training later in transpersonal therapies, energy healing, then interfaith ministry. I have worked mostly with individuals, of all ages. I have had a lot of experience of deep trauma work and am interested in the emergence of the soul, what I call the inner Self, which is an abundant source of insight, wisdom, creativity and healing.


£60 for 90 minute session including energy healing

£40 for 60 minute session in person or on zoom

Concession rates are occasionally made available.

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